Topic:Industry vs Academia: Which Career Path is Right for You?
Time :7:00-8:30,March 21,2021 (Sunday) (Beijing time)
Venue: Zoom Meeting(Meeting ID: 918 1400 3983,Passcode: 327604)
1.Youling Xiong 熊幼翎
(Professor, University of Kentucky)
2.Yan Liu 刘岩
(Associate Professor,MichiganState University)
3.Xingqiu Lou 楼星球
(VP, Proliant Meat Ingredient)
4.Wenyi Wang 王文一
(Co-Founder, Innovation Labs General Mills)
5.Yue Liao 廖悦
(Principal Scientist, Tyson Foods)
Conference links:

Anyone interested is welcome to attend the lecture!Thank you!